I met with Ms. Stoklosa on Thursday so I could tell her my idea, and while we were discussing we came up with a better idea! My film will be a drama and it will show more about what it’s like to die. The main character will be showing what it’s actually like to be dying and what it’s like knowing that you have a certain time to live. She asked me a question that I had to think about which was “What am I trying to sell”. I could sell the character, I could sell the fact that the character has a fatal disease, the fact that the character has a few days to live, or the symptoms that someone can get. I’m not 100% sure of what I want to sell but I’m leaning more towards selling the symptoms of having a brain tumor, since I made some research and they don’t usually show what the disease can create in their minds, and they go to a more romantic route instead of showing the issues and keeping the genre as just a drama.
According to the Huffington Post, Hollywood is trying to make cancer "young and sexy”. Since there’s usually romance involved and the people and the people that have the disease are teenagers, when actually people get cancer when they’re 55 or older. For my film, it will be just showing the symptoms and what it’s like to be dying. I chose the main character to be a female teenager since it’s a thing that would be possible, since I’ve seen it in the past with one of my friends. This idea that Ms. Stoklosa gave me is so good and so different, which is going to be hard to produce. This new idea changed my genre, my main character, the topic and the storyline. But it’s okay because I have a feeling that this project is going to be awesome.
To pre-produce these movie trailers I’m going to use the website Adobe Story. It’s a website that helps you the I'm and to produce this I’m going to be using my camera, which is a Canon Rebel T5. I’m going to get a monopod from my TV Production class since they provide us some equipment. To edit all this together I’m going to be using Premiere Pro CS6 and Aftereffects CS6 for my film company graphic (Name TBD). I looked at the movie trailers for The Fundamentals of Caring, To Write Love on Her Arms and The Fault in Our Stars since they all are drama movies and the trailers last at least 2 minutes that’s the time that I should go for for both my movie trailers. They also have two trailers, one in which a voice over of the main character tell the story, and another one that tells you little bits of the story, but not too much to spoil it to the audience.

Until next time!
Karla Recio
Independent Journalist
Almendrala, Anna. "Cancer In Movies: Is Hollywood Trying To Make The Disease Young & Sexy?" The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 25 Feb. 2013. Web. 05 Mar. 2017.
Joblomovienetwork. "THE FUNDAMENTALS OF CARING Official Trailer (2016) Selena Gomez, Paul Rudd Drama Movie HD." YouTube. YouTube, 30 May 2016. Web. 05 Mar. 2017.
FilmsActuTrailers. "To Write Love on Her Arms MOVIE TRAILER (Kat Dennings DRAMA - 2015)." YouTube. YouTube, 26 Dec. 2014. Web. 05 Mar. 2017.
"THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (2014) Extended Official HD Trailer." YouTube. YouTube, 28 Apr. 2014. Web. 05 Mar. 2017.
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