Now I’m building the website for the film! I’m going to use weebly since it’s easier to use and it has an option template for films or portfolios, which work perfectly. I looked for some drama movies and the first one that came up was Sully. When I opened the website the first thing that popped out was the movie trailer. I thought that that was interesting since I’ve never seen something like that. When the trailer ends you can see that there’s music paling and the first thing that you see are 2 buttons. One to buy the book and another one to watch the movie trailer. Then, on the left you can see all the quotes from different critics. I think that it’s cool by showing everyone the reasons why you should watch the movie, since all the critics shown are nationally recognized. Then there are tabs such as synopsis, gallery, videos and all their social media, including email. They even had a 208 Seconds Experience, which is just scrolling down a website and it shows you the true story about the movie. I think that it’s interesting that they’re doing that but it’s not something that I would like to do since my target audience are teenagers. But I think that I could use some of the things that they have in their home page.
For The Fault in our Stars, they use a Tumblr website, since their target audience (Gen Zs) use Tumblr. They have tabs such as soundtrack, a hashtag about for their fans, about, photos, scrapbook and buy now. I honestly have no idea why there would be a scrapbook tab so I clicked on it. Oh wow it’s actually a pretty good idea. It’s like an art contest about things and places that were on the movie. Then they post it on that tab and people that click on it can find the art work of all the people that have submitted it. They also have the options to like or repost the picture that they put in there. This made me realize that I should make a Tumblr webpage instead of weebly, but with more research and as my project progresses I’m going to make a decision later(next week) but meanwhile I’ll work on both websites and see which one looks better and which one will appeal more to the target audience. Also in the corner they have a “Buy Now” button which I think that it’s pretty cool since it’s just reminding everyone throughout the whole time that they can buy the movie on DVD, Blu-ray, and Digital HD. I remember that when we did our postmodernist marketing project presentations a group showed that having a Tumblr as their online website it would be good since it helps with the accessibility and promotion for the Gen Z, and they are going to find this website easier since it won't be like one of those annoying ads that can be found on Twitter(sorry twitter). Here it will start a Domino fact since Tumblr is about reposting, so their followers see what the person reposted and it keeps going until it gets like 100 reposts in 1 day and it just keeps increasing because with Tumblr you can just keep increasing.

Tomorrow I’m going to start thinking on what to do for the movie poster. By the end of this week I’m going to have an idea on what to do for it. I’m going to be using Photoshop for this since it’s pretty easy to use for me since I’ve been using it since freshman year and I’m going to be certified on the exam on March 21st (if I pass the exam) so let’s hope that 4 years of using photoshop pay off!! But with some of the movie posters that I’ve seen in Ms. Stoklosa’s classroom they seem pretty simple but it’s still a little bit complex and shows you a little bit about the plot, but not too much. For example, for Boyhood, they used a font that fits the name and the plot since it's like it's drawn with chalk and in the cover you can see a little kid just looking up while he's laying down on the grass. Then in quotations it says "A moving 12 year epic that isn't quite like anything else in the history of cinema". This movie poster doesn't give you that much information about the plot, but just what make the movie unique, which is the fact that it was filmed for 12 years and it gets the audience's attention and it makes them want to know more about this film since they show a powerful quote from a recognized critic, And since millennials are known to have an attention span shorter than goldfish, I need to find a way to make the website, movie trailers and the poster to stand out like how this movie poster stands out. I’ll find out how by the end of the week since I need to get started with this as soon as possible since I’m going to California in 19 days (YAAAS). Also I got another actor for my movie trailers! Saturday is going to be an interesting day *wink wink* there are going to be so many things that y'all will know about!
Until next time!
Karla Recio
Independent Journalist
"Brain Tumor: Glioblastoma Multiforme." N.p., 01 June 2009. Web. 08 Mar. 2017.
"How Long Can You Live with a Brain Tumor? - Answered by Top Doctors on HealthTap."HealthTap. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2017.
"SULLY – Official Movie Site – On Digital HD 12/06 And Blu-Ray™ 12/20." Sully Official Movie Site – On Digital HD 12/06 And Blu-Ray™ 12/20. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2017.
The Fault in Our Stars Movie. "The Fault in Our Stars | Official Movie Site | #TFIOS." The Fault in Our Stars Movie. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2017.
Tsuruta, Aya. "The Average Millennial's Attention Span-Shorter Than Your Goldfish's." Mobile CRM. N.p., 25 June 2015. Web. 08 Mar. 2017.
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